Sunday, February 23, 2020

Building a Personal Learning Network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Building a Personal Learning Network - Essay Example Accessing the social networks through the e-mail, twitter feeds blogs and linked-in is one of the best ways for a learner to share his interests with others (Grantham, 2012). To foster new connections in these social sites there are many ways that learners can consider. Question1: Text you might include in a professional profile, which you could use on a social media site (like Twitter, or LinkedIn) to identify yourself and your interests for those who might be interested in following you or joining your PLN The text a person may use in a professional profile on social sites may be informative, controversial or inappropriate. The best texts to use would be to include text which is informative on a learner’s professional profile. For example, posting texts containing personal updates, religious or political views and cat pictures among other forms of updates that are not related to learning is strongly discouraged. To establish stronger relationships with other people included in the PLN, it would be wise to use words that are inspirational or informative. Texts such as â€Å"learner’s guide to successful studying† or â€Å"ways of succeeding in school† are some of the examples that one can use in their professional profiles. Another way to create new connections would be to give texts that explain what twitter is or Linked-in to the people the learner interacts with in their professional pages. Explaining the benefits of using the social sites would attract more people to create a learning network. For example, using texts such as â€Å"social profiles like Linked-in not only connect learners to other professionals, but it is also a useful tool in business† is useful. Question 3: For each person or group, give a brief (1-2 paragraphs) rationale for why you would include the person or group in your PLN. Then, give a 1- to 2-paragraph description of the process by which

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Terrorist Group Hezbollah Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Terrorist Group Hezbollah - Essay Example Western terrorists are not motivated by religion and hardly ever have a wish to become martyrs. Hence, escape is the main concern to them. They use remote bombs, snipers or Improvised explosive devices (IED’s), which permits them to be far-off from the place of the crime. With the expansion of religious fundamentalist terror campaigns, the nature of terrorist targets has revolutionized (Burgan, 2010). The Hezbollah is also a terrorist group that opposes the Christian religion. Raids, which result in a great number of civilian causalities or deaths, are the main agenda of the Hezbollah terrorist group. These attacks have been witnessed in the Middle East for some time now with a lengthy custom of suicide bombings of crowded civilian places such as night clubs and bars. Secondly, in the Hezbollah group, terrorist survival is not a serious worry, but for other groups, death is not a pleasing outcome as the terrorists keenly seek to avoid death during their attacks. This suggests that targets that were earlier thought to be protected from attack are currently at risk. The possibility of the Hezbollah terrorist group fruitfully reaching their target, if the groups own survival is not a concern, is much, much greater. In reality, preventing a suicide bomber of the Hezbollah group from causing deaths, apart from his or her death, is virtually not possible. Potential Targets of Terrorist Attacks Examples of strong targets would incorporate military bases, high ranking politicians, and heads of state plus political organizations. A weak target is one which has modest or no military security or guard and hence is a straightforward alternative for a terrorist raid. This takes account of commercial shopping centers, bus terminals, and leisure areas like football grounds and sports stadiums. All airports as from 9/11 fall into this class. Even though they are more protected since the 9/11 attacks, they still have many access points and a whopping numbers of visitors. All of the access points are a potential doorway for terrorists. It is also vital to think about the potential media coverage a raid on a target would